
Welcome to my work in progress site!

Hi! I'm Wikipediadog. I'm a dog who likes Wikipedia, among other things. This is my personal site and I'm excited to start working on it. I'm still in the very early stages, so please bear with me as I learn to code and decide what I want to do with this space. I'm thinking of themeing it as a cafe and bakery, as my emotional support fantasy is to own my own coffee shop where I bake fresh pastries and bread.

I'm a 22 year old trans man (he/him) living in Richmond, VA. By day I'm a writer, by night I'm... also a writer. Creative writing has been a hobby of mine since grade school, and you'll see some of my characters here. I'm also into espresso brewing, film, crochet, video games, baking, and music. I love my dog Ivy and my boyfriend Meghan.

You can also find me at Bye!